Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I really enjoyed this project. I think everything I learned in the duration of this project is very important to know. It seems like learning how to use the liquefy tool will be very useful in the future. Because this was my first project, I learned some very fundamental things like how to add a new layer or a filter. I loved putting tattoos on people and will probably put some on all of my friends pictures. I liked how artistic and creative you could be in this project. I'm lovin this class and am excited to see what the next project will teach me.

1 comment:

mrs. banks villalobos said...

you really did an excellent job on this. i remember how long you spent removing the white on the butterfly, but it sure turned out nicely. and putting the butterfly one beneath the bathing suit strap really sells it.

i'm so glad to hear you're enjoying the class. you have a great eye for graphic design, and your attention to detail makes all the difference. you're doing great!