Monday, October 20, 2008

Morphing Creatures

This project was really fun and interesting, and taught me to do some pretty cool stuff. I really liked learning how to crop hair the best way. I'm not sure I chose the right animals, because they couldn't be matched very well color and texture-wise. I'm really enjoying this class; it's really fun! I don't think i liked this project as much as the last one, but only because of the nature of the creations. The last one was a little more serious, and also easier to make believable.

1 comment:

mrs. banks villalobos said...

you know, i have to disagree with you -- i think the color and texture blending you did is pretty solid. if somebody told me these were real animals and kept a straight face, i might kind of believe them. that shadow under the "chin" on the one on the right is a nice touch. boy, birds really aren't very attractive, are they..

how did you crop that hair? did you use the extract tool or draw the hair in with the smudge tool, or did you do something different? it looks great, whatever you did.

it's fun seeing what you're working on everyday.