Friday, May 8, 2009


I really enjoyed creating the web page for this class.  I had fun looking back at all the projects I'd done, and it's also nice to be able to put other things I created while in the class somewhere where I can always go back and look at them.  I had fun designing this page, but I also had a hard time perfecting it, there was always another thing wrong.  There still are things I could fix... I'm not going to tell you what they are though! Check it out HERE!

1 comment:

mrs. banks villalobos said...

woo-hoo, i rocked your socks off! i owe you some socks, then, i guess.

sofie, i really enjoyed having you in class. like i said, you deserved to be my student of the quinmester for every quinmester you were with me. (well, except the one where you stopped coming for a week!) but, i'm so glad you were able to take a class with me after all. you're incredibly talented and you make lovely pieces of art for me to look at.

i love your before-and-after website; it's very attractive.

i'm sad you're graduating, but i'm excited for your ballet apprenticeship/training. i will totally come see you dance in your super-cool principal roles.

congratulations! and now i'm going to get started on your letter.